ORB-SLAM: a Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM System
- Use ORB features
- Real time operation, using covisibility graph
- real time loop closing based on essential graph
- real time relocalization
- initialization & model selection
- survival of the fittest approach to the map point & keyframe selection
System Overview
Feature Choice
Three Threads: Tracking, Local Mapping & Loop Closing
localizing camera and deciding when to insert a keyframe- initial feature matching & motion-only BA
- IF tracking is lost
- place recognition > global relocalization
- initial camera pose & feature matchings
- local visible map using covisibility graph of keyframes
- matches found by reprojection & camera pose opt again
- decide whether to insert keyframe
Local Mapping
- process new keyframes and local BA
- unmatched ORB searched in connected keyframes in the covisibility graph to triangulate new points
- exigent point culling
Loop Closing
- search for loops with every new keyframe
- IF loop is detected
- compute similarity transformation
- both sides of the loop is aligned and duplicated points fused
- pose graph opt > global consistency
- MAIN NOVELTY: opt on Essential Graph
MapPoints, KeyFrames, Selection
MapPoint pi
- 3D position: Xw,i
- The viewing direction: ni
- ORB descriptor: Di
- dmax,dmin: maximum distance & minimum distance the point can be observed
KeyFrame Ki
- Tiw, tranformation world2camera
- Camera intrinsics, including focal length & principal point
- Undistorted coordinates of ORB features
Covisibility Graph & Essential Graph**
Covisibility Graph: Undirected Weighted Graph
- node: keyframe
- edge: shared observations of the same MapPoints
Essential Graph
- spanning tree
- INSERTED: new keyframe linked tokeyframe which shares most point observations
- ERASED: update links affected by that KeyFrame
- spanning tree
BoW Place Recognition
- DBoW2: loop detection & relocalization
Automatic Map Initialization
compute relative pose between 2 frames & triangulate an initial set of MapPoints.
- Find intial correspondences
Parallel computation of two models
- homography Hcr
fundamental matrix Fcr
each interation, compute score Sm
Model selection
- IF RH > 0.45
- choose homography
- fundamental matrix
- IF RH > 0.45
Motion and SfM
- check if there is one solution with most points seen with parallax, in front of both cameras and with low reprojection error
- full BA to refine initial reconstruction
ORB Extraction
- FAST corners at 8 scale levels
- compute ORB descriptors & orientation
Initial Pose Estimation from Previous Frame
- IF tracking is SUCCESSFUL
- constant velocity model
- wider search
- IF tracking is SUCCESSFUL
Initial Pose Estimation via Global Relocalization
- IF tracking LOST
- convert frame into BoW
- query for keyframe candidates for global relocalization
- alternatively RANSAC iterations for each keyframe, PnP
- camera pose with enough liniers
- camera pose opt
- IF tracking LOST
Track Local Map
once get initial estimation of camera pose & feature matches, we can project map into frame and search more map point correspondence
The local map also has a reference keyframe Kref, which shares most map points with current frame
- compute mapPoints projection & discard outliers
- compute the angle between current viewing ray v and mapPoint mean viewing direction n. Discard if v * n<cos(60°)
- compute distance, discard if out of [dmin, dmax]
- compute scale
- compare D
New KeyFrame Decision
To insert a frame:
- More than 20 frames passed global reloc
- Local mapping idle OR >20 frames pass last keyframe insertion
- current frame tracks >=50 points
- current frame tracks <=90% of Kref
Local Mapping
KeyFrame insertion
Recent MapPoints culling
in order to be retained in the map, pass a restrictive test during te firsr 3 keyframes after creation
25% the frames visible
- observed from >= last 3 key frames
New MapPoint Creation
Created by triangulating ORB from connected keyframes Kc
Local BA
- current processed KeyFrame Ki
- all keyframes connected to it
- all MapPoints seen bt those
NOTE all other KFs not connected but see,remain fixed in opt
Local KF culling
GOAL detect redundant KFs & delete
Loop Closing
- Loop Candidates Detection
- compute similarity
- discard below lowest score in DB
- Compute Similarity Transformation
- RANSAC iterations, find ST using Horn
- IF enough inliers found
- opt & guided search for more correspondences4
- opt again & check
- IF enough inliers found
- Loop Fusion
- fuse duplicated MapPoints
- insert new edges
Essential Graph Optimization
effectively correct drifts